Our new representative study in autumn 2021 examines how self-determined advertising consumption works.


The result: the adverts are more appealing, have a stronger activation effect and create more positive images of the advertising brand that are better remembered.


Especially in the post-cookie age, there are strong opportunities for personally relevant advertising without having to rely on personal data.


Click here for the study (PDF) >


At the centre of the evaluation, which was created together with [m]SCIENCE as the central research unit of GroupM, is a comparative analysis of the effect of self-determined and externally determined advertising consumption. The representative and quantitative online survey was conducted among 2,200 adult participants in summer 2021.


Results show: Surveyed KPIs show a significant uplift


According to the current study, self-determined advertising consumption (choice-driven advertising) recorded a significant uplift across all KPIs surveyed compared to externally determined advertising consumption. Active selection by the user has a particular impact on advertising effectiveness and user satisfaction. The results are summarised as follows:

Heading: "All brand KPIs show significantly higher values for self-determined advertising contact."

Relevant advertising: Product interest and personal relevance in particular are decisive for the choice of advert. Users actively decide in favour of a commercial if they are interested in the advertised topic or are considering a purchase. In an unaided survey, 39 per cent stated that they would select a commercial if they were interested in the product, brand or topic. This is by far the most frequent response.

Heading: "Reasons for the conscious choice of advert." Product interest and personal relevance are decisive for the choice of advert. Users actively decide in favour of a commercial if they are interested in the topic and are considering a purchase.

Advertising impact: Self-determined advertising consumption has an impact. The KPIs of the actively selected adverts show a clear uplift in all the ratings surveyed. For respondents who can choose the advert themselves, the consideration increases by +51 per cent, the willingness to buy by +42 per cent and the image by a significant +25 per cent compared to the externally determined advertising playout. Users also have a far more positive image of the brand selected. Brand recall is +8 per cent higher here. Liking is also +41 per cent higher and understanding of the message is +16 per cent higher.

Heading: "Self-determined advertising consumption is having an effect; all KPIs are improving."

User satisfaction: Respondents like being able to choose the ad that suits them. 72 per cent of respondents rated the self-determined online video placement as ‘very good’ and ‘good’ and even among adblock users, this figure was still 69 per cent. In particular, 35 per cent of users liked being able to choose a commercial according to their own interests and personal relevance. 30 per cent stated that they liked having a choice and being able to decide for themselves.

Heading: "Selbstbestimmter Werbekonsum kommt sehr gut an. Auch bei Befragten, die einen Adblocker nutzen."

As part of the study, the test subjects were randomly assigned to one of two test conditions: Half were able to independently select one of four adverts (Group A), while the other half were shown one of the four adverts without being able to select it beforehand (Group B). The study questions included whether the self-determined selection of a commercial leads to a better overall evaluation of the advert or to a more positive evaluation of the brand image.

Heading: "Respondents like the adverts much better when they can choose what they want to see."

For further information on the study, please contact or your contact person.