When the online advert starts, the majority of viewers switch off inwardly. Then they say: ‘I didn't even notice the advert ...’ or ‘It was about brand xy. That's all I can say ...’ However, people who decide for themselves which adverts they watch remember the brand better and are even more likely to buy it. This is shown by new research on the subject of ‘self-determined advertising consumption’, which surveyed 2,000 people on their opinion of online advertising.


But wait a minute! What does this have to do with cookies? First things first: The research investigates what influence is exerted on advertising impact when people can decide for themselves which advertiser and which commercial they want to watch. The respective campaign is not forced upon the user, but is offered to them like a series on Netflix. And the user selects it - provided it is of interest to them. And that's the key point! Because no cookie data is required for this. That's right - no data! Because the best data does not come from a DMP anyway, but from the active decision of a consumer who knows best what appeals to them. That's encouraging for a media world after the cookie. Don't you think?


Welect study ‘Determined by others, self-determined. What are the benefits of on-demand advertising?’

Welect study "Determined by others, self-determined. What are the benefits of on-demand advertising?"

The results of the research in detail:

Those who decide for themselves pay more attention.

This is one of the key points for marketers: The advertised brand remains better in the mind. Advertising recall is 57% higher when the advert is chosen freely. The message contained in the advert is also transported into the memory, with recall increasing by 50 percent in comparison (from 60.3 to 88.1 percent).


Self-determined consumption activated.

55 per cent of respondents would visit the brand's website to find out more about the product. The probability that online users will talk to friends and family about the advertising increases by more than 80 per cent (from 34.9 to 55.2 per cent). And 62 per cent would even actively recommend the product to their friends (compared to 45 per cent with traditional advertising). The willingness to buy is also stimulated when the respondents have consumed the advertising more consciously. This increased by almost 40 per cent to 74 per cent. By contrast, only one in two would be prepared to buy the brand after a conventional advertising video.


Choice makes you likeable.

Voluntary advertising contact not only leads to a higher level of interaction with an advertised brand, but also makes it significantly more likeable. The values are almost 13 per cent higher (92.5 instead of 82.1 per cent) than with traditional advertising formats. Brand awareness is also almost 5 per cent higher than with conventional communication.


Welect conducted these and other findings together with the media research institute Dcore and with the support of BurdaForward in an online survey on the topic of ‘Advertising impact with self-determined advertising consumption’. The study examined the surfing behaviour of 2,000 participants aged 16-69 of all genders.


If you would like to find out more about on-demand advertising, please contact me or our team directly.


You can find the entire study here.