From 30.11.20 to 4.12.2020, the virtual BDZV. CONFERENCE & EXPO 2020 took place. There were eight sessions with lots of expertise, best practice examples and inspiration from the publishing industry. For the first time, we were represented with a virtual trade fair stand and gave a presentation on premium revenues in the data protection era. I would like to share some thoughts from this presentation with you:


One answer to the cookieless advertising world is self-determined advertising consumption

I use cookieless - not entirely accurately - as a collective term for all the challenges of the data protection era. These include GDPR, 3rd party cookie bans by browser manufacturers, Apple's departure from IDFA and the ePrivacy Regulation. What to do about these challenges? Self-determined advertising consumption.


A successful use of self-determined advertising consumption is aimed at users who decide against a digital subscription or paid content despite personalised content and dynamic paywalls. I welcome and admire all developments in the paywall sector, but I have noticed a neglect of the online casual reader, especially the user-friendly monetisation of the large mass of casual readers.


And user-friendly monetisation is what self-determined advertising consumption and the use of organic targeting are all about. The use of self-determined advertising consumption is not limited to paywalls. Self-determined advertising consumption works particularly well to increase the fill rates on your pages and to convince AdBlock users to unblock in a user-friendly way.

Screenshot aus dem Online-Vortrag von Olaf Peters-Kim. Headline: "Eine bereits verfügbare Lösung in der Datenschutz-Ära"

Self-determination and choice are the norm in other areas

What reaction do you expect from a visitor to the landing page of a newspaper who is forced to read a certain article? There is no option to choose other content via a menu bar or other article recommendations. The article is forced upon the reader. After a few seconds, the visitor will leave the page again.


This is how people around the world experience advertising. They only have one opportunity to have a say in advertising communication - namely to prevent the advertising.


On the many publishing sites, visitors are naturally offered a great deal of choice and a variety of content. We are also familiar with this from music, podcast, book, gaming, film and video platforms and from various industries (e.g. travel, mobility, e-commerce, communication). Over the past 20 years, people have become accustomed to unlimited choice and co-determination. Thanks to self-determined advertising consumption, provided by Welect, this option is now finally also available in advertising.


How does self-determined advertising consumption work?

Users can decide for themselves which adverts they want to watch via an offer window in which a selection of adverts is available. Swiping, clicking and deciding for themselves are part of users' intuitive online behaviour. A self-determined advertising decision not only has the advantage of a higher advertising impact, but also completely eliminates the need for cookies, DMPs and the collection of personal data. Users decide which advert interests them: Perfect targeting. We call it organic targeting.


We have been enabling self-determined advertising consumption on over 100 German publishing sites for four years. And since this summer, the first tests have been taking place with partners in Austria and Canada (we're keeping our fingers crossed!).


Many thanks to the BDZV for the invitation!