Unser Vortrag auf dem Workshop vom OVK im BVDW

Am 28.04.2021 hat der Online-Vermarkterkreis (OVK) im Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVW) e. V. zu einem Workshop eingeladen, um über Optionen zu sprechen, die sich dem digitalen Werbemarkt nach dem absehbaren Ende der Third-Party-Cookies bieten. Welect wurde insbesondere eingeladen, um unsere datenschutzkonformen Produkte für die Monetarisierung von Non-Consent-Traffic vorzutragen.

Worum geht es im Programmatic Advertising?

Eigentlich um zwei Dinge: Automatisierung und seitenübergreifende Anwendung von Ad-Technologien.

  • Durch den Einsatz von Programmatic Advertising kann bei Buchungen, Abwicklung, Reporting und Abrechnung viel Aufwand eingespart werden und
  • dank Cookies & mobilen Ad IDs (MAID) können die diversen Ad-Technologien seitenübergreifend eingesetzt werden, um mit den Angeboten der GAFAs konkurrieren zu können.

Noch... Denn die Post Cookie Ära wurde bereits vor einigen Jahren eingeläutet. Schon heute arbeiten wir nur noch auf einem Bruchteil der Cookies im Vergleich zur faktischen Nutzerreichweite. Da ist es verständlich, dass aufgrund der unveränderten Konkurrenzsituation mit den GAFAs alle Marktteilnehmer auf der Suche nach Identity-Lösungen sind. Das geschieht derzeit schon, aber eher nach dem Motto: "Wie erhalte ich die mir bekannte programmatische Welt irgendwie am Leben?".

Ich hoffe, allen ist bewusst, die Identifier Ansätze werden in Sachen Qualität und Reichweite nicht das Niveau der Cookie-basierten Ansätze erreichen, welche, wie wir gerade festgestellt haben, bereits heute nicht mehr so gut funktionieren.

Außerdem – und m. E. viel wichtiger – wird regulatorisch die Luft dünner: Stichwort "gehashte Emails“ bis hin zu Nutzern, die über ihre Telefonnummer identifiziert werden. Des Weiteren erwarte ich, dass bald Smart TV-Geräte und deren OS ebenfalls von Datenschutzbehörden geprüft und deutlich strenger reguliert werden.

Bitte versteht mich nicht falsch – es ist absolut richtig an vermarkterübergreifenden SSO-Lösungen zu arbeiten, aber man sollte auch einen Plan B in der Tasche haben. Ich vermisse es gänzlich, diesen großen Umbruch als Chance zu nutzen, neue Wege zu gehen und einen Mindset-Wechsel zu wagen.

Zwei Screenshots aus der Welect Präsentation, mit der Headline "Cookielose Selbstbestimmung", mit zwei Laptops, die eine Welect Platzierung darstellen.

Our presentation at the OVK workshop at the BVDW

On 28 April 2021, the Online-Vermarkterkreis (OVK) in the Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVW) e. V. invited to a workshop to talk about options available to the digital advertising market after the foreseeable end of third-party cookies. In particular, Welect was invited to present our data protection-compliant products for the monetisation of non-consent traffic.


What is programmatic advertising all about?

Actually two things: automation and cross-page application of ad technologies.


§  The use of programmatic advertising can save a lot of time and effort in bookings, processing, reporting and billing, and

§  thanks to cookies & mobile ad IDs (MAID), the various ad technologies can be used across all sites in order to compete with the offers of the GAFAs.


For now... Because the post-cookie era was heralded a few years ago. Even today, we only work with a fraction of the cookies compared to the actual user reach. It is therefore understandable that all market players are looking for identity solutions due to the unchanged competitive situation with GAFAs. This is already happening, but more along the lines of: ‘How can I somehow keep the programmatic world I know alive?’.


I hope everyone realises that the Identifier approaches will not reach the level of cookie-based approaches in terms of quality and reach, which, as we have just seen, are already no longer working so well.


In addition - and in my opinion much more important - the regulatory air is getting thinner: keyword ‘hashed emails’ through to users who are identified by their telephone number. I also expect that smart TVs and their OS will soon be scrutinised by data protection authorities and regulated much more strictly.


Please don't get me wrong - it's absolutely right to work on cross-marketer SSO solutions, but you should also have a plan B in your pocket. I completely miss the opportunity to use this major upheaval as a chance to break new ground and dare to change my mindset.


Self-determined advertising consumption - choice-driven or on-demand advertising

One of these methods is choice-driven or on-demand advertising. Why does choice-driven advertising work so well without cookies? Because the user decides for themselves which adverts are relevant to them in this particular situation. This is how organic targeting takes place. The studies show that nobody knows better which adverts are relevant for a person than - and the answer should come as no surprise to anyone - the person themselves.


Not only does targeting work perfectly in this way, this approach is also useful for cross-page frequency capping in the case of a no-consent user. This is because people themselves know very well when they have reached a limit of advertising media contacts.


But how do you monetise no-consent traffic?

We currently offer two products to monetise no-consent traffic with choice-driven advertising:


  1. Using a very simple script, we enable a dialogue on the publisher's site with users who do not give their consent to the use of cookies and tracking and clarify the situation to them. In particular, that their lack of consent makes monetisation more difficult for the publisher. We politely ask them to reconsider their refusal and offer the user other options to enable monetisation after all. These can be access to paid content or subscription registration, but the best option is choice-driven advertising access to stop the dialogue being displayed for a certain period of time. We have been successfully applying this approach to adblock users for five years. Our partners are seeing higher unblocking rates while at the same time realising a financial benefit. A first important finding of this approach is that many users do not actively decide against the use of cookies and tracking, but are not shown the CMP content dialogue at all. We address these users with a separate dialogue. It is therefore important for publishers to find out how many of these cases there are so that they can work with their CMP provider to solve the problem.
  2. For all publishers who have noticed a decline in fill rates since the introduction of TCF 2.0, we provide a choice-driven advertising tag, especially in the video ad sector, to make the ad calls that are not accepted by the AdTech ecosystem due to consent refusal financially usable with our campaigns.


Both products generate a high advertising impact in campaigns and therefore enable a high-priced CPM. They also fulfil the requirements of programmatic advertising, as the use of Welect automates and significantly simplifies the process on both the publisher and the demand side. Choice-driven advertising works across all pages without the need to use cookies or MAIDs and without storing personal data.