The entire advertising industry is in turmoil: third-party cookies are considered a discontinued model. How can GDPR-compliant targeting be operated in the future if third-party data can no longer be used due to the ‘death of cookies’?


Especially in these times, Welect scores with its future-oriented targeting model: cookie-less targeting by means of self-determination.


Welect manages to reach target groups sustainably by allowing users to decide for themselves which adverts they want to see based on their personal interests. Strong performance values and high conversion rates are standard. It should be clear that third-party cookies can be completely dispensed with in this way. But we wanted to know exactly:


How well does self-determined advertising consumption work as an alternative to cookie-based targeting?

In the ‘Campaign Zero - Zero Cookies’ study, [m]SCIENCE GmbH (an independent market and media research institute of the GroupM agencies) analysed the extent to which self-determination is suitable as a cookie-free targeting alternative. A representative online survey with 1,500 participants focussed on the following questions:


  • For what reasons do test persons decide in favour of or against an available advertising spot?
  • How does the selection of an advert relate to the user's product interest and buying interest in the products and brands shown?
  • To what extent does the self-selected advert manage to activate consumers?
  • How do users rate the opportunity to decide on adverts themselves?


Tablet where one page is open, headline "Campaign Zero, Zero Cookies"

Results of the research in detail:

1. Influences and Factors

Recipients primarily select adverts for brands and products they are interested in (30%) - even if they are currently using a different brand from the product area. Interest in buying (40%), personal relevance (32%) and liking the brand (36%) also have a significant influence on the choice of advert.


2. Activation of the Respondents

Self-determined advertising is a good extension for multi-channel campaigns in order to activate interested consumers more strongly. It has been shown that users would inform themselves about a product after the advert (30%), visit the brand's website (29%), consider the product (40%) or buy it directly (28%). Users are therefore open to further activities.


3. Recognition Effects

With self-determined advertising consumption, not only the brand advertised in the selected commercial is well remembered, but also other brands from the previously offered commercial selection: 64% correctly name at least two of the brands shown afterwards.


4. Evaluation of the Welect Format

Self-determination has a positive effect on the perception of the advert and therefore also on the image of the advertiser. This means that people who are otherwise not open to (online) advertising (e.g. adblock users 68%) can also be reached.


The results of the impact analysis clearly show that self-determined advertising consumption proves to be a cookieless and, above all, effective targeting alternative - so what are you waiting for? Just do it!


If you would like to find out more about our placement, please contact us (


You can find the entire study here.