Silhouette of a man in front of a night sky illuminated by fireworks

It's business as usual in the advertising market. All brands are vying for attention, but how can you stand out from the rest these days - especially digitally - and reach exactly those for whom the product/brand is still relevant?


From my personal experience and from talking to colleagues and customers, I would say that people are now more than fed up with receiving the same message in unlimited numbers, whether relevant or not, especially digitally.


Today's targeting approaches are no closer to the actual target group than they were a few years ago. Worse still - the death of 3rd party cookie usage will make it even harder to narrow down target groups in the near future.


No increase in brand KPIs without cookies?

So how can I, as an advertiser, increase my brand KPIs and reach the target groups for whom the products are relevant without annoying them? In any case, we no longer believe that forcing advertising on people is in keeping with the times.


In my opinion, there is only one solution: put people and their need for freedom of choice at the centre of communication. And thus reflect the current zeitgeist.


In concrete terms, this means that if we see advertising as a dialogue between brand and consumer, then we need to treat each other with respect. As an advertiser, I let people decide for themselves whether they want to see my advert at the right moment. During a personal conversation, we also make sure that the other person is listening and wants to listen - these are the cornerstones of good communication, so to speak.

Two hands hold a neon light sign with the words "Hello there"

Attention, please! How we get attention for you and your product

Welect is and stands for Choice-Driven Advertising. Here, users decide for themselves which adverts are relevant to them and, even better, they are actively asked for their interest so that they engage more with the brand/product. This not only has a positive effect on the brand image, but also increases consideration and purchase intent.


If you are interested in concrete figures, I recommend the advertising impact study from last year!


If I, as a user, am already interested in a category and then actively select advertising for it and am therefore more receptive, I am also more willing to find out more and possibly even buy something. Many very satisfied advertising customers prove us right and already use this possibility of user-centred communication.


We can support you in your ‘search for attention’ as a strong, reliable and sustainable partner. Thanks to our different product formats and high advertising impact, we offer you the opportunity to enter into a respectful and effective dialogue with your target group. And the best thing is: these also work without creating profiles and without collecting personal data.


And if you would now like to enter into dialogue with me or my colleagues to talk about your campaigns with us, then we are all the more pleased, because we know: You have made this decision yourself. And it will work - we promise!