Cheers then! Together with Anheuser-Busch InBev and Dentsu Aegis Network, we are celebrating the first case of a beer brand at Welect. In July and August of this year, we were able to play out an awareness campaign for the FMCG giant for the internationally renowned beer brand Corona Extra over a period of four weeks. We were able to successfully realise the campaign in collaboration with the agency. But what makes the campaign successful? Read for yourself ...

Corona Paradise campaign at Welect MaxVideo in fullscreen format

The 30-second advert was played out in selected environments via the Welect MaxVideo full-screen placement. Three different Corona teasers were used, which were displayed a total of 710,000 times in the campaign overview. Around 21% of users opted for the campaign at this point and started the advert a total of 152,000 times. The video was watched to the end by 82% of users. With almost 10,000 clicks on the video and the call-to-action button, the conversation rate of 9.78% also left nothing to be desired and even exceeded the average click-through rate for Welect.


The special feature of the campaign was the special geotargeting. This allowed us to specifically reach people in major German cities (< 100,000 inhabitants) and thus potential buyers. We also used Welect's typical ‘organic targeting’, which allows users to choose an advert themselves. In this way, Welect reaches exactly the people for whom the category or product is relevant, which is clearly reflected in the great performance of the campaign.


The results of the Corona Paradise campaign show that it pays to rely on self-determined advertising consumption and organic targeting. Coupled with geographical targeting, this increases relevance among consumers.


If you are interested in campaigns at Welect with geotargeting, you are welcome to contact me or the team at contact@welect.de  at any time.