Self-determined advertising consumption or on-demand advertising has a key characteristic: people decide for themselves which advertising content they want to view.


What effect does this choice have?

From the consumer's point of view, interest in a self-selected advert is significantly higher. It is perceived more attentively. We have investigated the corresponding influences on the advertising effect several times - user satisfaction increases. (Link to research)


The advertising message reaches exactly the consumer who is interested in the relevant category, product or topic through their own decisions. This is organic targeting. Each user is left to decide for themselves what they want to look at.


Relevance of alternative targeting methods in the data protection era

Self-determined advertising consumption or on-demand advertising with organic targeting is a solid, contemporary solution, especially in relation to an advertising world that has to manage without 3rd party cookies.


Unfortunately, the analysis of historical browser data from millions of users and the corresponding utilisation within e.g. data management platforms in order to reach the desired target groups is still a reality. However, this processing is no longer sustainable, secure and long-term. Advertisers now need to rethink and find alternatives.


The function in practice 

With Welect, consumers decide for themselves which advertising campaign they want to view. This is usually supplemented by suitable geotargeting and the creation of a custom channel, i.e. a compilation of the right environments and websites. In this way, the required media target groups can be optimally narrowed down in advance.

Heading: "Organic targeting: reaching the right target group sustainably." Followed by a presentation with three circles: Firstly, "Customer channel", "Geo-location" and, highlighted: "Self-determination".

The result is a high level of targeting quality: people are primarily addressed who, for example, show an increased interest in buying in the respective category. Welect is currently investigating the process of organic targeting in an extensive study that will be published in early 2021.


The role of the campaign teaser

Creating the right campaign teaser is essential for optimising organic targeting. It provides information about the content of the advert in question and is the basis for the user's decision. The design options are diverse. For example, it can specifically address a need (hunger, thirst, headache, etc.) or place a testimonial at the centre. The brand can also be positioned centrally.

Web.de Homepage, wo einem die Chance geboten wird, auszusuchen, welchen der vier Werbespots man anschauen möchte.

As a rule, the campaign teasers are designed in such a way that consumers quickly realise what the content of the campaign is about. This allows the right campaign to be chosen quickly and instinctively. The decision on the design is made by the advertising client, Welect is happy to advise on this process.


If you have any further questions or are interested in an advertising campaign with Welect, please contact the team or contact@welect.de at any time.In der Regel werden die Kampagnen-Teaser so gestaltet, dass die Verbraucher:innen möglichst schnell erfassen, worum es inhaltlich in der Kampagne geht. So kann schnell und instinktiv die richtige Kampagne gewählt werden. Die Entscheidung über die Gestaltung trifft der Werbekunde, Welect berät in diesem Prozess sehr gern.

Bei weiteren Fragen und Interesse an einer Werbekampagne bei Welect, melden Sie sich bitte jederzeit beim Team oder unter contact@welect.de.